Troops to Engineers Feature: T2E Highlighted in The Military Engineer Magazine

Troops to Engineers TME Article Feature

Friday, October 6, 2023
T2E PM lecturing in ENGR 101

San Diego, CA - Oct 6, 2023

SDSU College of Engineering - Troops to Engineers (T2E) program is featured in the latest issue of The Military Engineer magazine. In the article "Leading the Way for Transitioning Veterans," authored by Richard Rubin, P.E., AICP, LEED AP, F.SAME, F.ASCE, and co-authored by Joshua Imes, T2E's exceptional work in supporting military service members' transition to engineering careers takes center stage.

San Diego County boasts a significant military population, with over 143,000 servicemembers and 200,000 veterans. In response, SDSU established the Joan & Art Barron Veterans Center and hosted the Vet Success on Campus program. However, veterans pursuing engineering and computer science careers required specialized support, leading to the creation of T2E through the College of Engineering in 2011.

The article emphasizes the pivotal role played by T2E's collaboration with SAME's San Diego Post, particularly through mentorship programs and networking opportunities. Notable initiatives include a six-month mentoring program and workshops covering crucial skills such as resume building and interview preparation.

One of the program's key strengths is its structured approach, which has yielded impressive results. In the first three years alone, T2E helped more than 70 veterans secure employment in their chosen fields—a remarkable 100 percent success rate. It's worth noting that T2E operates entirely on philanthropic funding, with companies recognizing its unique access to high-quality candidates.

The article showcases success stories like Geovanni Ramirez, an Information Systems major and Dylan Lake, an Aerospace Engineering major who have both made the successful transition to careers with Northrop Grumman.

"Leading the Way for Transitioning Veterans" is a compelling account of Troops to Engineers transformative impact and how serves as a model for universities across the nation looking to support veterans in their transition to engineering careers. You can fine the full article in the September 2023 issue of The Military Engineer magazine [Link to the article].

For media inquiries or further information, please contact Joshua Imes at or 757-769-1523.

About The Military Engineer Magazine:

TME—The Military Engineer, since 1909 under its original masthead Professional Memoirs, and since January 1920 in its current form as the official journal of SAME, has been the leading voice championing the contributions, achievements, legacy and impact of military engineers, America’s industrial base, and all those aligned with ensuring the national security of the United States.

Published bi-monthly, each issue of TME includes technical articles authored by subject matter experts throughout military, government, industry, and academia; stories and features from across SAME; and news related to engineering, energy, resilience, technology and other subjects aligned with national security.

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