A Milestone on the Midway: Celebrating Military-Connected Graduates at SDSU

Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Work Study Moriah McCloskey in graduation regalia

On April 26th, 2024, the flight deck of the U.S.S. Midway, once again, became a historic stage where military-connected students and their families and friends celebrated a momentous occasion. The inaugural graduation ceremony for the SDSU Joan and Art Barron Veterans Center marked a significant milestone in the graduates' lives and added to the rich history of the iconic ship. As one of the graduates, I felt the day's emotions in every way. Each graduate and guest felt extreme pride during the event, deeply aware of its profound significance. The sacrifices of the graduating veterans and their family members are the cause for the celebratory gathering, creating a moment that marked graduation and a heartfelt commemoration of their journey. Graduating from college is not an easy task, and not only did these graduates finish college, but most did so after serving their country, which is a fantastic accomplishment. Every single graduate sitting around me has made such a significant impact on our community and our country. I was honored to be included in the ceremony, and as a military dependent, it was amazing to see firsthand the shared bond that veteran students have. My mother's ten years of service in the U.S. Army paved the way for me to join the remarkable military-connected community at SDSU and allowed me to take part in an exceptional day.

Listening to our keynote speaker, Jack McGrory, made me feel more deeply connected to the military community and my late grandfather, Jack McCloskey, who also served in the U.S. Marine Corps in San Diego. One of my grandfather's greatest achievements in his life was his time in the Marine Corps, and sitting on the U.S.S. Midway that day allowed me to understand his pride truly. I was overwhelmed with gratitude as I walked the stage, and being a part of the ceremony allowed me to empathize with the emotions my mother and grandfather experienced as members of this community, which is something I deeply cherish. Thank you to the SDSU Veterans Center for welcoming me into their community and allowing me to participate in such a historic event. Watching every graduate walk the stage with a huge smile reminded me of the immense pride and joy of achieving a long-awaited dream. A heartfelt thank you to everyone organizing this event; your efforts meant so much to each graduate and their families. Congratulations to all the graduates on your incredible achievements! 

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